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Vietnamese silk

Price: $0

  • SSVB2B01
  • 1 days 0 night
  • tourist
  • 05/10/2019


Hotlines 24/07

Ms.Anne Pham +84918908288

Ms.Helen Nguyen +84917901828

I very link silk skirt or shirt so I go to van phuc village and collect some clothes with some friend. When I buy some skilk product for my family I have had idea that they so cheap that means so easy to make silk nature but I'm very supprise when I finding how can make it. I think you have to got many time to discover that special process. I will give you brief through fantastic picture bellows and I hope you will have good imaginze about it. Natural silk is very good for your health, so beauty and lovely.


Circle life of silkworm!


Silkworm Eggs!

Silkworm Baby!




Hardworking with silkworm feeding! you have to look after minute to minute and allways sure that silkworm baby has food anytime.!



She so tired with her job so that she have to sit and get food for them!



When silkworm is grow up, Silkworm feeder have to change their place to special place where is suitalbe with making fibre process lik the picture. We have to very carefull in this situation. All silkworm has to moving so fast and in time, Dont let them see the light.



Silkworm is making fibre!



For along time ago, they will make fibre around their body, They design it became to a nest.



Before the nest be destroy by silkworm, we have to start getting fibre by machine!



Processing in getting fibre from silkworm nests!




Making fibre so smooth!



silkworm's fibre is getting sunshine!



The last product that we got from fibre! so wonderfull! 

Vietnam has many welknown silk type, but if you would like to meet and deals price with origial worker, please let me know. I will very happy to bring true vietnam product to the world with best quality and price.

would you like to visit Vietnam with special silk product and real view silk hand made processing?

I will be here for help you!

Mobile : +84918908288